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Collaborative Science for Estuaries Webinar Series

Join us for monthly webinars featuring project teams supported by the NERRS Science Collaborative. Speakers share their unique approaches to addressing current coastal and estuarine management issues. Learn about new methods to integrate technical experts and users of project outputs into the research process, and how their research results and products might inform your work.

Be sure to check back periodically for session recordings and other relevant products, or sign up (Mailing List | RSS) to receive notifications about new resources and upcoming webinars.

Upcoming Webinars

Tue 2/25/2025, 3 - 4pm EST
Nicole Grinnan, Anita Grove, Mike Thomin, and Bria Brooks

Nestled along Florida’s northern Gulf Coast, the Apalachicola River and Bay system is a landscape rich in both natural and cultural heritage. For over 12,000 years, this region has supported diverse ecosystems and communities. The area now faces mounting challenges, including the impacts of climate and the subsequent loss of archaeological sites that threaten the preservation of these communities’ stories. Ranking as one of Florida’s most under-resourced areas, there is an urgent need to document and preserve the region’s heritage while fostering connections with its current residents.

This webinar will spotlight the "People of the Apalachicola System" project, which combines archaeological research, digital modeling, and innovative community engagement to understand and protect the area’s cultural landscape within the Apalachicola National Estuarine Research Reserve. Participants will learn about the project’s approach, including methods for engaging local voices through workshops and surveys, as well as how these efforts address threats to heritage resources. The webinar will also share preliminary findings, highlight effective strategies for fostering collaboration, and explore how these lessons can guide future preservation and education initiatives in similar at-risk areas. Join the session to discover how heritage and community are coming together to protect the stories of Apalachicola’s past and shape its future!


nicole grinnan

Nicole Grinnan, University of West Florida Archaeology Institute

Nicole Bucchino Grinnan serves as the Assistant Director of the University of West Florida’s Archaeology Institute, bringing over 12 years of professional experience in coastal archaeology. Before joining the Institute, Nicole worked as a Faculty Research Associate and Public Archaeologist with the Florida Public Archaeology Network (FPAN), where she led public engagement initiatives and facilitated cultural heritage preservation efforts worldwide. Nicole served as the Project Lead for the “People of the Apalachicola System” project, integrating digital modeling, heritage sites recording, and community engagement to explore the intersection of human culture and the environment in the Apalachicola National Estuarine Research Reserve. 

anita grove

Anita Grove, Apalachicola National Estuarine Research Reserve

Anita Grove serves as the Coastal Training Program Coordinator and oversees communications at the Apalachicola National Estuarine Research Reserve. In her role, she collaborates with decision-makers, land managers, professionals, and local residents to promote environmental stewardship, identify current and emerging needs, and strengthen partnerships with the Reserve. Through her work, she builds positive relationships across the watershed to support sustainable management and conservation efforts. Prior to joining the Reserve, she was the Executive Director of the Apalachicola Bay Chamber of Commerce, a 400+ member nonprofit supporting small businesses in the Apalachicola Bay area. Throughout her career, Anita has been a steadfast advocate for the Apalachicola River and Bay working to raise awareness about upstream water diversions' impacts on the bay. She also serves as an Apalachicola City Commissioner and is currently serving her second term.

mike thomin

Mike Thomin, Northwest Florida Maritime Landscape Alliance for Preservation

Mike Thomin is the Director of Education and Interpretation at the Florida Public Archaeology Network’s Coordinating Center and a Faculty Research Associate at the University of West Florida. He brings nearly two decades of expertise in public archaeology, heritage education, and nonprofit management. As the co-founder and Treasurer of the Northwest Florida Maritime Landscape Alliance for Preservation, Inc., Mike served as the Collaborative Lead for the “People of the Apalachicola System” project, where he recorded community conversations, conducted archaeological fieldwork, and fostered meaningful engagement with community partners. His work reflects a commitment to building partnerships at local, state, federal, and international levels through impactful heritage projects.

bria brooks

Bria Brooks, Florida Public Archaeology Network

Bria Brooks is a Public Archaeologist with the Florida Public Archaeology Network. Her research interests include coastal and underwater archaeology, Marronage, African diaspora studies, and the history of slavery in the western hemispheres. While finishing her Master’s degree, served as a field archaeologist and community engagement specialist for the “People of the Apalachicola System” project.

Mon 3/3/2025, 2 - 3pm EST
Chris Peter, David Burdick, Grant McKown, and Alice Yeates

Sea level rise and climate change present major threats to tidal marshes nationwide. To track and understand these impacts, the National Marsh Synthesis Team (NAMASTE) has synthesized plant community and sediment accretion data at 85 marshes across 17 coastal states within 20 National Estuarine Research Reserves (NERRs). Tidal marsh monitoring in the NERRs began nationwide over 10 years ago, allowing NAMASTE the unique opportunity to conduct a first of its kind analysis on a national scale using data collected through a standardized monitoring program. Project goals included: 1) providing insight on how climate change is affecting marshes, both at the national-level and Reserve-level; 2) creating automated tools based in R for data analysis and visualization; and 3) producing science translation products to support management and policy around coastal marshes.

To reach these goals, NAMASTE employed several analytical techniques as well as a collaborative approach engaging coastal researchers, managers and educators around the country. In this webinar, members of the project team will share high-level results and takeaways from the project, as well as their recommendations for how the methods they employed could be transferred to other coastal habitats for future analyses.


chris peter

Chris Peter, Great Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve

Chris specializes in near-shore coastal ecosystems with a concentration in tidal marsh ecology- research, restoration and long-term monitoring. He has extensive knowledge in designing and implementing field monitoring, as well as analyzing tidal marsh datasets at local to national scales. Chris co-leads Namaste with Kim Cressman and David Burdick, leading all aspects of the project.

david burdick

David Burdick, Jackson Estuarine Lab, University of New Hampshire

David is a Research Associate Professor of Coastal Ecology and Restoration at the University of New Hampshire, where he has taught wetlands courses over the past twenty years. His study of coastal science spans 35 years, concentrating on coastal wetlands, assessing human impacts, and planning, implementing and assessing habitat restoration at the Jackson Estuarine Laboratory, where he serves as Director. He co-leads Namaste, bringing decades of experience.

grant mckown

Grant McKown, Jackson Estuarine Lab, University of New Hampshire

Grant is a research scientist in the Coastal Habitat Restoration Team specializing in the monitoring and restoration of salt marshes, oyster reefs, and eelgrass meadows in New England. He has extensive knowledge in wetland botany, experimental design of restoration projects, and remote sensing analysis of the natural environment. Grant aided in the quality control and the univariate component of the national analysis. 

alice yeates

Alice Yeates, South Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve

Alice is the Stewardship Coordinator at the South Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve. Alice has a Ph.D. in Ecology from the University of Queensland and experience with both estuarine vegetation monitoring and analysing complex and diverse datasets. She has been working on the Namaste project to guide statistical analyses and conduct national level syntheses.

Tue 3/18/2025, 3 - 4pm EDT
Peter Kingsley-Smith, Brandon Puckett, and Justin Ridge

In the southeastern U.S., intertidal oyster (Crassostrea virginica) reefs are primarily managed by state agencies in support of recreational and commercial fisheries, as well as for their ecosystem services. Oyster resource managers and NERR staff often rely on conventional on-the-ground monitoring approaches to inform management and restoration decisions, but these approaches have limitations in that they are time consuming and are of limited spatial scale. In response to users' needs for rapid, standardized and quantitative measures to assess reef condition – which directs management and restoration actions – this project evaluated uncrewed aerial systems (UAS) as a tool for measuring reef changes within five National Estuarine Research Reserves (NERRs) from North Carolina to Florida. The imagery analysis workflows developed in partnership with oyster resource managers provide quantitative measures of reef structural and demographic metrics and, importantly, changes to those metrics in response to natural and anthropogenic factors. Join this webinar to learn more about this enhanced technical capacity for conducting UAS-based oyster reef assessments.


peter kingsley-smith

Peter Kingsley-Smith, South Carolina Department of Natural Resources

Dr. Kingsley-Smith has managed the Shellfish Research Section at the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources’ Marine Resources Research Institute (MRRI) in Charleston, SC since 2008. His research team conducts a diverse array of research and monitoring projects related to both molluscan and crustacean shellfish species of recreational, commercial and ecological importance. Advancing our understanding of the performance of living shorelines and facilitating their adoption have been notable achievements of the MRRI research team more broadly in recent years.

brandon puckett

Brandon Puckett, NOAA National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science

Dr. Puckett is a research biologist in the Coastal Resilience, Restoration and Assessment Branch. His research interests, broadly speaking, center around the ecology of coastal habitats—focusing primarily on oyster reefs, tidal wetlands, and, to a lesser degree, seagrasses. Puckett’s recent research has focused on: 1) developing decision-support tools to inform oyster restoration, 2) evaluating the ability of nature-based solutions to enhance coastal ecosystem and community resilience, 3) applying remote sensing technology (namely drones) to monitor and assess wetlands and oyster reefs.

justin ridge

Justin Ridge, North Carolina National Estuarine Research Reserve

Dr. Ridge has been the Research Coordinator for the North Carolina NERR since the beginning of 2023. He is experienced piloting a range of UAS and developing remote sensing techniques for extracting ecologically relevant data from coastal habitats to assess ecosystems. Through this project and others, he has provided technical guidance on mission planning, assisted with UAS data acquisition and protocol development, and image analysis. He has been conducting oyster research for over 10 years.

Project contributors:

  • Whitney Jenkins (Collaborative Lead), North Carolina NERR
  • Gary Sundin (Co-technical Lead), South Carolina Department of Natural Resources
  • Dan Bowling, North Carolina State University and NOAA Margaret A. Davidson Fellow at NCNERR
  • Allix North, Florida Department of Environmental Protection
  • Laura Sánchez, South Carolina Department of Natural Resources
  • Camille Steenrod, NOAA National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science (CSS, Inc.)
  • Erik Smith, North Inlet- Winyah Bay NERR
  • Nikki Dix, Guana Tolomato Matanzas NERR
  • Rachel Guy, Sapelo Island NERR
  • Alyah Bennett, University of North Florida
  • Colby Peffer, Sapelo Island NERR
  • Lauren Faulk, South Carolina Department of Natural Resources
  • Josh Matheson, Duke University, MaRRS Lab
  • Lexi Mitchell, South Carolina Department of Natural Resources
  • Kerryanne Newman, North Carolina NERR
Tue 4/1/2025, 3 - 4pm EDT
Danielle Ogurcak, Digna Rueda-Roa, Sara Mason, Brita Jessen, and Marissa Figueroa

The Mangrove Coast Collaborative (MCC) project (2020 – 2024) began in the aftermath of Hurricanes Irma and Maria (September 2017). Jobos Bay and Rookery Bay NERRs jointly recognized the need to understand and enhance the resilience of their mangrove ecosystems and the surrounding communities in southeastern Puerto Rico and southwest Florida, respectively. Through a multi-disciplinary approach spanning four research themes – time-series mapping, ecosystem assessment, ecosystem services modeling, and management options – the MCC investigated the loss and recovery of mangroves, the relationships between drivers of hurricane impact and recovery, the effects to ecosystem services, and the ways that managers have made information-based decisions. Using co-production methods, the project team developed and shared products at a recent regional Mangrove and Management Forum that brought together a newly coalescing community of mangrove scientists and managers in the southeastern US and Caribbean.
In this webinar, the project team will describe how the mangrove science-to-management community developed as an integral part of the MCC and will share an overview of how the ongoing results of the MCC have responded to the needs of this growing community.


danielle ogurcak

Danielle Ogurcak, Florida International University

Danielle is a Research Assistant Professor at FIU and Interdisciplinary Science Liaison at Rookery Bay NERR. Her research focuses on the effects of disturbance and regional water management on coastal vegetation ecology. She serves as the MCC Project Lead and Technical Lead for mangrove ecosystem assessment (Task 2).

digna rueda-roa

Digna Rueda-Roa, University of South Florida

Digna is a biological oceanographer, with expertise in processing and producing diverse satellite ocean products. For this project, Digna generated high-resolution (2 m) maps of mangrove coverage and its changes over time.

sara mason

Sara Mason, Duke University, Nicholas Institute for Energy, Environment & Sustainability

Sara Mason is a Senior Policy Associate in the Ecosystem Services Program at the Nicholas Institute for Energy, Environment & Sustainability. Her work centers on the interdisciplinary nature of natural resource management, with projects focusing on incorporating ecosystem services into natural resource management decisions, nature-based solutions policy and finance, environmental markets, climate resilience policy, and sustainable infrastructure. She led task 3 of the MCC project, focused on assessing the possible ecosystem services impacts of changes to the mangrove ecosystems at both reserves.

brita jessen

Brita Jessen, Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center, U.S. Geological Survey

Brita has served in three positions during the course of this project! She was the Research Coordinator at Rookery Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve until 2021 and the Interdisciplinary Research and Partnerships Lead at S.C. Sea Grant Consortium (2021-2024). She led task 4 of the MCC focusing on management needs and options, with an additional task of building the Collaborative’s glossary of project-specific definitions for effective communication. 

marissa figueroa

Marissa Figueroa, Rookery Bay NERR

Marissa has been with Rookery Bay NERR since 2018, and has been the Coastal Training Program Coordinator since 2022. The Coastal Training Program serves the reserve and the community to aid in facilitation, relationship-building, and bringing science-based information, tools and training to local decision-makers. As the Co-Collaborative Lead for the Mangrove Coast Collaborative, Marissa has helped to lead the project team meetings, facilitated the interactions with Project Advisory Committees, and was instrumental in planning and facilitating the MCC Mangrove and Management Forum.

Past Webinars

Tue 1/28/2025, 3 - 4pm EST
Matt Kimball and Robert Dunn

Foundation species such as the eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica) serve numerous ecological functions and provide myriad ecosystem services within coastal environments. These reefs improve water quality, stabilize the adjacent salt marsh, and provide key habitat for approximately 300 species, including fishes, shrimps, and crabs, among other fauna. However, due to overfishing, disease and other stressors, oyster reef habitat has declined drastically. With increased conservation and restoration efforts to increase oyster reef quantity, there is a need for a more holistic understanding of oyster reef condition and function for reef-associated fauna.

In 2023, a Catalyst team comprising 4 Reserves and 4 university partners sampled oyster reefs across the southeastern U.S. Atlantic coast. The team used traditional sampling, acoustic imaging, stable isotope analyses, oyster disease assays, and environmental DNA to characterize the community of reef-associated fauna. Following the field campaign, the team held two project meetings and a virtual workshop to engage directly with intended users and management agencies. In this webinar, the project team shares high-level takeaways from their field sampling analyses and methods comparisons, describes their successful user engagement process, and gauges interest in further System-wide participation.


matt kimball

Matt Kimball, Baruch Marine Field Lab, University of South Carolina

Matt Kimball is the Assistant Director of the Baruch Marine Field Lab at the University of South Carolina. He has conducted fieldwork on nekton use of estuarine habitats, including oyster reefs, throughout the southeastern US for the past 2 decades. Matt has led the development of using high-resolution acoustic imaging to examine nekton within estuaries. On this project, Kimball led the field sampling effort and worked with the Collaborative Lead and Technical Lead to showcase project results and promote dialogue between researchers and end users.

robert dunn

Robert Dunn, North Inlet-Winyah Bay NERR

Robert Dunn is the Research Coordinator at the North Inlet-Winyah Bay NERR at the Baruch Marine Field Lab at the University of South Carolina. He is a marine community ecologist with experience working on numerous species and across varied habitats globally. Dunn has participated in or led five different NSC-funded projects since 2020. Through those projects, he gained experience with the collaborative science process; as Collaborative Lead here, he served as the liaison between the project team, NERR staff, and management end users.

Wed 12/4/2024, 3 - 4pm EST
Wally Fulweiler and Lena Champlin

Salt marsh ecosystems are well-known for their carbon storage capacity – they are also hotspots of respiration, which produces greenhouse gases that can counteract the long-term carbon storage. At the same time, there is a paucity of spatial and temporal measurements of greenhouse gas fluxes in salt marsh ecosystems; this lack of data impairs the ability to manage salt marsh ecosystems effectively for carbon storage. Data are limited by various factors, including logistical and financial constraints of measuring greenhouse gases.

A team from Boston University and the five New England NERRs worked together on a one-year catalyst project to test sensors that measure carbon dioxide, temperature, and humidity in salt marsh environments. The team conducted five field trips throughout the year, incorporating iterative feedback on instrument design, ease of deployment, and alignment with existing monitoring efforts at the NERRs. In this webinar, the team describes the project’s approach to designing low-cost, ultra-portable instruments for measuring greenhouse gas fluxes in salt marshes, major findings that emerged from the work, as well as key applications of the technology for salt marsh restoration and research.


wally fulweiler

Robinson W. "Wally" Fulweiler, Boston University

Wally leads the Coastal Ecology and Biogeochemistry Laboratory, which focuses on how anthropogenic activities affect the ecology and elemental cycling of ecosystems on a variety of scales, from local nutrient loading to global climate change. Recently, her group has been developing new instrumentation that will aid in constraining coastal nutrient and carbon budgets and will help increase access to low-cost technology for democratizing science. Wally is the project lead and came up with the original idea behind the new instrumentation and application to the NERR system.

lena champlin

Lena K. Champlin, Boston University

Lena’s research in coastal ecosystems integrates spatial analysis to quantify ecosystem complexity, historical proxies to contextualize changes in nutrients over time, and collaborative research approaches. During her postdoc, Lena is conducting interdisciplinary research on salt marsh blue carbon and communicating coastal science to public audiences through creative media. Lena helped manage this collaborative project, contributing to fieldwork, integrating feedback, and presenting the results.

Wed 11/6/2024, 3 - 4pm EST
Marae West, Even Buckland, and Ray Danner

Over half of the NERRs have Motus wildlife tracking stations, which provide new information on the presence and movements of animals. Given the NERRS’ increasing number of Motus stations, growth of the resulting databases, and interest in these data from within and outside of the NERRs, there is an opportunity to develop a collaborative community and supporting infrastructure within the NERRS. This catalyst project’s five objectives were to: create a website to display Motus data across the NERRS, develop educational resources, develop an in-person education experience at the North Carolina NERR, construct towers at four sites that previously did not have towers, and promote communication and collaboration among NERRS staff. In this webinar, the project team demonstrates how to use the products that they developed, and discusses how to learn more about Motus and the state of the network within the NERRS and get involved.


marae west

Marae West, Cape Fear Bird Observatory

Marae West is the board chair and science advisor for the Cape Fear Bird Observatory which is based in Wilmington, North Carolina. Maraes serves as the project lead on this NERRS Science Collaborative Catalyst grant. 

evan buckland

Evan Buckland, Cape Fear Bird Observatory

Evan is the co-founder and managing director at the Cape Fear Bird Observatory. Evan serves as the technical lead on the grant and had a hand in every part of the project and managed all of the technicians on the project. 

ray danner

Ray Danner, Althouse & Meade

Ray is a senior research scientist at Althouse & Meade. Ray serves as the collaborative lead. His main focus was to develop R-code to analyze Motus data and to pair the data with SWMP data. He also helped build the dashboard built in this project. 

Fri 10/4/2024, 3 - 4pm EDT
Kait Reinl, Paul Hanson, and Sylvia Yang

The National Estuarine Research Reserve (NERR) System-Wide Monitoring Program (SWMP) provides an opportunity to compare site-based monitoring data from a wide range of estuaries across the nation to discover patterns and trends in ecosystem dynamics. Despite decades of SWMP data being amassed – and the Reserve System’s interest in investigating long-term changes in estuarine systems – limited personnel capacity has often prevented these datasets from being fully utilized. To address this need, a catalyst project developed a graduate level class at University of Wisconsin-Madison for Spring 2024 with dual learning objectives: a technical objective to learn ecological big data skills and a collaborative objective to learn how to conduct user-driven collaborative science. In this webinar, the project team shares their journey of developing and implementing the class, highlights student findings, and demonstrates analyses that they used to address science and management questions. They also discuss lessons learned along the way and future opportunities for this teaching model to be used by the NERRS and partners.


Kait Reinl

Kait Reinl, Lake Superior National Estuarine Research Reserve

Dr. Kaitlin (Kait) Reinl is the Research Coordinator for the Lake Superior National Estuarine Research Reserve at the University of Wisconsin-Madison Division of Extension. Kait served as the project lead, working with the project team to develop the graduate level course and teaching materials. Kait also co-taught the class alongside Paul Hanson (Technical Lead).

Paul Hanson

Paul Hanson, University of Wisconsin-Madison Center for Limnology

Paul Hanson is a UW scientist who studies lakes, with an emphasis on modeling water quality in systems around the world. Paul served as the technical lead, working with the project team to develop the analytical aspects of the course. Paul co-taught the class alongside Kait Reinl. 

Sylvia Yang

Sylvia Yang, Padilla Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve

Dr. Sylvia Yang is the Research Coordinator for the Padilla Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve at the Washington State Department of Ecology. Sylvia assisted the project team as the collaborative lead and helped to adapt the NSC’s Guide to Collaborative Science for the graduate students to use during the course. 

Thu 7/25/2024, 3 - 4pm EDT
Hannah Ramage, Laura Reynolds, and Arianna Stokes


Collaborative Science Conversations          
The NOAA RESTORE Science and NERRS Science Collaborative programs continue teaming up to bring you the voices of project teams from the field through our Collaborative Conversations webinar series. These sessions dig into the unique value of collaborative science, what it feels like in practice, and tips and strategies for success. 

You’ve probably heard the phrase meaningful engagement. Maybe you’ve even used the phrase yourself. But have you ever found yourself wondering, what exactly do we mean by meaningful engagement and how do we achieve it? Many of us recognize that engaging meaningfully with partners is at the heart of effective collaboration. However, it’s not always easy to define what meaningful engagement is, and what it means in practice.

In this webinar, the NERRS Science Collaborative and the NOAA RESTORE Science Program dived into the practical realities of meaningful engagement and built on the January 2024 NERRS Science Collaborative webinar that provided a framework for understanding meaningful engagement. The webinar featured the voices of two collaborative science project teams who shared their project-specific experiences. Together, we dug into examples of what meaningful engagement is, what it looks like in practice, and what strategies we might use to foster it during collaboration.

About RESTORE: The NOAA RESTORE Science Program was authorized by Congress in the wake of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill to carry out research, observation, and monitoring to support the long-term sustainability of the Gulf of Mexico ecosystem, including its fisheries. The Science Program supports teams of resource managers, researchers, and stakeholders committed to working together to produce science that helps answer the questions resource managers are facing.


ramage headshot

Hannah Ramage, Lake Superior NERR, WI

Hannah Ramage has worked at the Lake Superior Reserve for 7 years as the Monitoring Coordinator. She oversees the System-wide Monitoring Program in the St. Louis River Estuary in Superior, WI. She mentors students, conducts water quality research, and works closely with partners on how best to collect and use data to the benefit of all estuary users. Currently, she is the project lead on a Collaborative Research grant aimed at creating a more targeted and efficient monitoring plan to detect algal blooms and hypoxia in the estuary.

laura reynolds headshot

Laura Reynolds, University of Florida

Laura Reynolds is an assistant professor in the Soil, Water, and Ecosystem Sciences Department at the University of Florida, where she is engaged in education, research, and extension. She leads a group of graduate students, postdocs, and scientists who conduct research that focuses on biodiversity and stability of aquatic plant based ecosystems primarily seagrass meadows. The team’s extension work ensures that this research gets effectively communicated and used by those folks managing and restoring aquatic ecosystems.

arianna stokes headshot

Arianna Stokes, NERRS Science Collaborative

Arianna Stokes is a research associate with the NERRS Science Collaborative. Her work with the Science Collaborative helps support opportunities for peer-to-peer learning, the development of collaborative science resources, program communication, and data archival. Prior to this role, Arianna completed a graduate degree at the University of Michigan where she worked with the Science Collaborative to research meaningful engagement practices used in collaborative science projects across the NERRS network.

Fri 5/24/2024, 1 - 2pm EDT
Cory Riley and Lisa Wise

Since 1994, collaboration among the Great Bay Resource Protection Partnership has resulted in the protection of over 82,000 acres in New Hampshire’s coastal watershed. Resources such as the 2006 Land Conservation Plan – which informed watershed protection goals, identified regional priorities, and guided strategic decision-making for over a decade – have contributed to this success by evaluating regional progress and promoting understanding of conservation efforts to date. In 2021, the Nature Conservancy of New Hampshire released an updated version of the plan that reflects new conservation priorities for climate adaptation, water resource protection, wildlife habitat and landscape connectivity corridors, and working lands.

Supported by a science transfer grant, the Connect to Protect project facilitated the transfer of knowledge from the updated plan to intended users in the region through a focused outreach effort which included a needs assessment, formal knowledge transfer workshops, and a technical assistance program. In addition to facilitating knowledge transfer and outreach, the project provides a strong example of how funds can be leveraged to launch and support lasting regional relationships that continue beyond a project timeline. In this webinar, team members discuss the approach and impacts of the project, including where this work sits within the broader context of the region and how collaborative outreach increases the reach of conservation work.


Cory Riley, Great Bay NERR

Cory Riley is the Manager at the Great Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve, where she works closely with partners to promote clean water and healthy coastal habitats in the region. For this project, Cory recruited, organized, and facilitated the Advisory Team that provided external advice as needed on high-level decisions, project activities, and products.

Lisa Wise, University of New Hampshire Cooperative Extension

Lisa Wise is a Program Manager with University of New Hampshire Cooperative Extension, where she works with New Hampshire communities to build awareness of and resilience to the impacts of a changing climate. Lisa led the Outreach Team during the second half of the project, which conducted a needs assessment of end users, oversaw the development of the Connect to Protect website, planned and conducted science transfer workshops, and completed technical assistance for communities and land trusts.

Thu 3/7/2024, 2 - 3pm EST
Chris Janousek, Jazmin Dagostino, Mackenzie Taggart, and Adrian Laufer

For nearly a decade, the Pacific Northwest Blue Carbon Working Group (Working Group) has brought scientists, planners, policy makers and others together to identify and collaboratively fill priority blue carbon data gaps for Pacific Northwest coastal wetlands, archive those data in a new Working Group-created regional blue carbon database, and make those data available to individuals and agencies working to advance regional climate mitigation initiatives. Through the collaboration of researchers, planners, policy professionals, and others from universities, nonprofit organizations, and governmental agencies throughout the region, the Working Group has systematically collected and analyzed new–and compiled existing–regional data on carbon stocks, carbon sequestration, and methane emissions and archived them in the Working Group’s Northeast Pacific Regional Blue Carbon Database. 

This two-part webinar series covers the Working Group’s latest research, including data collection to support blue carbon comparisons across different natural and land use types, as well as the ways these data are used in the development of climate mitigation policies and blue carbon tools. 

View resources from part 1: Filling Blue Carbon Data Gaps | February 29, 2024

Part 2: Blue Carbon Data Applications | March 7, 2024
This session highlights the Working Group’s and partners’ application of regionally specific blue carbon data for the development of climate mitigation policies and blue carbon tools, including an emissions inventory supporting Oregon’s new Natural and Working Lands legislation, blue carbon mapping, and the development of a regional blue carbon calculator.

Session 2 Speakers:

Chris Janousek, Oregon State University

Chris is a research professor at OSU and has worked on tidal wetland ecology along the Pacific coast for two decades. He has led or co-led several regional blue carbon projects and curates the Northeast Pacific Blue Carbon database.

Jazmin Dagostino, Pew Charitable Trusts

Jazmin Dagostino is an associate on Pew’s U.S. Conservation project, working to advance state and federal natural climate solutions. She focuses primarily on state efforts to incorporate coastal blue carbon and peatland management strategies into climate mitigation and adaptation efforts.

Adrian Laufer, Sea & Shore Solutions

Adrian Laufer is a coastal & marine policy and management practitioner with a background in GIS and spatial science. She is the CEO of Sea & Shore Solutions, a women-owned consulting firm specializing in bridging the gap between science and application in coastal management and marine policy. Laufer collaborated with Pew and others to develop a user-friendly mapping resource to showcase blue carbon values and possible restoration futures.

mackenzie taggart

Mackenzie Taggart, Silvestrum Climate Associates

Mackenzie Taggart is a wetland scientist specializing in coastal blue carbon dynamics. With a keen focus on merging science and policy, she is committed to crafting innovative tools for communities actively involved in natural climate solutions.

Thu 2/29/2024, 2 - 3pm EST
Chris Janousek, Trevor Williams, Katrina Poppe, and Scott Bridgham

For nearly a decade, the Pacific Northwest Blue Carbon Working Group (Working Group) has brought scientists, planners, policy makers and others together to identify and collaboratively fill priority blue carbon data gaps for Pacific Northwest coastal wetlands, archive those data in a new Working Group-created regional blue carbon database, and make those data available to individuals and agencies working to advance regional climate mitigation initiatives. Through the collaboration of researchers, planners, policy professionals, and others from universities, nonprofit organizations, and governmental agencies throughout the region, the Working Group has systematically collected and analyzed new–and compiled existing–regional data on carbon stocks, carbon sequestration, and methane emissions and archived them in the Working Group’s Northeast Pacific Regional Blue Carbon Database. 

This two-part webinar series covers the Working Group’s 2020-2023 research, including data collection to support blue carbon comparisons across different natural and land use types, as well as the ways these data are used in the development of climate mitigation policies and blue carbon tools.

Part 1: Filling Blue Carbon Data Gaps | February 29, 2024
This session highlights the Working Group’s 2020-2023 research designed to fill regional carbon sequestration and methane, CO2 and N2O emissions data gaps as well as the design and utility of the Northeast Pacific Regional Blue Carbon Database.

Session 1 Speakers:

Chris Janousek, Oregon State University

Chris is a research professor at OSU and has worked on tidal wetland ecology along the Pacific coast for two decades. He has led or co-led several regional blue carbon projects and curates the Northeast Pacific Blue Carbon database.

Trevor Williams, Oregon State University

Trev has been a Faculty Research Assistant in the Department of Fish, Wildlife and Conservation Sciences at Oregon State University for 3 years focusing on environmental monitoring in tidal wetlands. Prior to OSU he was at Portland State University where he worked in agricultural systems researching nutrient input effects on water quality and greenhouse gas emissions.

Katrina Poppe, Western Washington University

Katrina is a Research Associate at Western Washington University and a PhD candidate at the University of British Columbia. She studies sediment, vegetation, and carbon dynamics in tidal wetlands in relation to climate change and land management. For this project she has focused on understanding patterns and predictors of soil carbon accumulation rates.

Scott Bridgham, University of Oregon

Scott is an emeritus professor at the University of Oregon. He has been doing research on climate impacts on wetlands, terrestrial ecosystems, and aquatic ecosystems for 35+ years and has published extensively on those efforts. He is part of the PNW Blue Carbon Working Group scientific team, focusing on how land management in tidal wetlands affects trace gas emissions and climate forcing.

Register for Part 2:  Blue Carbon Data Applications | March 7, 2024

Tue 1/23/2024, 3 - 4pm EST
Julia Wondolleck and Arianna Stokes

Meaningful engagement has become a catchphrase in public participation. Its characteristics are assumed to be self-evident yet many struggle with its implementation and, until recently, there has been surprisingly little work shedding light on how to achieve it. The NERRS Science Collaborative, through its participation in the Reserve System, has observed how meaningful engagement is foundational to effective collaborative science and is a frequent discussion topic among NERRS project teams.

Seeking to unpack the dimensions of meaningful engagement, the Science Collaborative has supported research that draws on the experiences and insights of collaborative science teams. The research aims to answer questions such as:  What exactly does meaningful engagement mean in practice? What are the tell-tale signs when it is being achieved, and when it is not? What factors help advance it? What are the challenges to realizing it, and how might those challenges be addressed?

This webinar describes the overall research project, shares preliminary findings based on interviews with collaborative science project team members and reserve partners, and highlights how intended products can benefit collaborative science teams and others.


Julia Wondolleck, University of Michigan

Julia Wondolleck is an Emerita Professor at the University of Michigan’s School for Environment and Sustainability and a member of the NERRS Science Collaborative team.  She has spent her professional career researching, writing, and teaching about collaborative processes in natural resource and environmental management contexts. She is supervising Arianna’s graduate research on meaningful engagement.

Arianna Stokes, University of Michigan

Arianna Stokes is a master's student at the University of Michigan’s School for Environment and Sustainability where she is studying participatory processes within the fields of environmental policy and environmental justice. Originally from New Hampshire, Arianna has a degree in ecology and economics from the University of California Davis. Prior to graduate school, Arianna worked in coastal New Hampshire and participated in CoastWise, a place-based coastal resilience program, at UNH Sea Grant. She is currently a science communication fellow at the University of Michigan Museum of Natural History. 

Thu 11/30/2023, 2 - 3pm EST
Kerstin Wasson, Charlie Endris, Andrea Woolfolk, and Suzanne Shull

Estuaries are coastal gems. To protect and restore them, we need a clear understanding of exactly where they are, where they were, and where they could be in the future. A team led by the National Estuarine Research Reserves (NERRs) recently completed an ambitious effort to map estuarine habitat in and around the 30 NERRs. They used a powerful combination of NOAA resources for elevation and tidal datums to map the reach of tides, historical topographic sheets generated by NOAA’s predecessor agency to map past habitat distributions, and compared this to mapping from USFWS’s National Wetland Inventory (NWI).

Elevation-based mapping revealed that estuary extent is greater  than currently mapped in NWI. At more than two-thirds of the Reserves, the team detected tidal forests missed by NWI.  Comparison of historical maps to NWI revealed dramatically greater loss of tidal wetland extent on the Pacific coast than in other regions. The results of this investigation suggest that multiple mapping methods complement each other and should be integrated to provide a more accurate understanding of estuaries—past, present and future.

Project Lead 

  • Kerstin Wasson, Research Coordinator, Elkhorn Slough NERR

Technical Leads

  • Andrea Woolfolk, Stewardship Coordinator, Elkhorn Slough NERR
  • Charlie Endris, GIS Specialist, Moss Landing Marine Laboratories
  • Suzanne Shull, GIS Specialist, Padilla Bay NERR

Collaborative Lead

  • Dan Brumbaugh, Coastal Training Program Coordinator, Elkhorn Slough NERR

Technical and Collaborative Advisor

  • Laura Brophy, Estuary Technical Group Director, Institute for Applied Ecology


Kerstin Wasson, Elkhorn Slough NERR

Kerstin is passionate about science-based conservation and restoration of estuaries, and complements local-placed based work in coastal California with syntheses across the national estuarine reserve system. She coordinated this project.

Charlie Endris, Moss Landing Marine Laboratories

Charlie has worked as a GIS and remote sensing specialist for more than 15 years. He has focused on using digital elevation models, orthoimagery, and historical T-sheets to characterize habitat change and model projected sea level rise along coastal California. Charlie used NOAA datasets to create elevation-based models depicting maximum   
tide and lake levels for this project, and NWI for extracting existing habitat information.

Andrea Woolfolk, Elkhorn Slough NERR 

Andrea has been working on coastal ecology and land management in the Elkhorn Slough area since 1994. At the Reserve, she focuses on upland habitat management, and she particularly loves working with others to restore native grasses and wildflowers where she can. She has a deeply nerdy interest in historical ecology, and she helped map historical habitats from T-sheets for this project.

Suzanne Shull, Padilla Bay NERR 

Suzanne has been providing nearshore geospatial data, products, and support to the Padilla Bay Reserve for 25 years.  She was involved with the conversion of the historical maps to GIS map layers, comparing that to habitat maps of more current conditions (primarily NWI data), analyzing change between the two and posting the maps to ArcGIS Online.