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Applicant Resources

This is a collection of resources to help current and prospective teams plan and implement NERRS Science Collaborative projects. The tools and products listed below have been generated by the NERRS Science Collaborative team as well as external partners, and focus on helping teams facilitate a collaborative process, manage data, and conduct an integrated assessment.

Proposal Development Resources

Tools for planning strong collaborative science proposals and projects

Collaboration Resources

Our Guide to Collaborative Science has resources for scoping, designing, and enhancing a collaborative process. Specific tools that may be useful include:

Learn more about Science Collaborative collaboration learning and support here

Data Management Resources

Developing and implementing a data sharing plan for your project 

The NERRS Centralized Data Management Office (CDMO) is the coordinating entity for Science Collaborative data management activities. Science Collaborative projects that produce new data must include a data management plan that includes descriptions of the following components:

  • An understanding of the data management needs and capabilities of both data providers and users of data and products;
  • Methods and protocols for data collection;
  • Data quality control/quality assurance (QA/QC) procedures;
  • Metadata;
  • Data access; and
  • Data archiving.

Sample data management plans are available at the NOAA Environmental Data Management Wiki under the Data Management Plan Repository.

Learn more about Science Collaborative data management support here.

Integrated Assessments

Understanding, planning for, and implementing an Integrated Assessment

Integrated assessments (IAs) focus on a specific, challenging management or policy question. Project activities generally employ existing data and information and do not involve extensive fieldwork or experimentation. The IA approach is most useful for situations where considerable information exists but it has not yet been synthesized in ways that allow people to evaluate options effectively for addressing the focal issue.

Most IAs use a combination of technical analyses and stakeholder engagement activities to examine the focal issue. Projects typically include the following elements:

  1. Collaboratively define the focal question
  2. Clarify the history, causes and consequences of the issue
  3. Identify and evaluate potential options
  4. Develop information to guide decisions

Integrated Assessments vary widely depending on the type and scope of the focal issue. To see how the approach has been used in different situations, see: IA Case Study (PDF) and Science Collaborative IA Projects.

Other resources:

Resources for Reserve Staff

While these resources are designed for reserve staff, applicants may also find them useful to review