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A repository of data, publications, tools, and other products from project teams, Science Collaborative program, and partners.

Displaying 121 - 130 of 214
Report |

This report presents the outcomes of a community stakeholder process in which participants engaged in an expert-facilitated and community-based approach to develop sea level rise adaptation options for a low-lying road in China Camp State Park, along San Francisco Bay, CA.

Tool |

The Fisheries Resilience Index is a self-assessment tool developed for Alaska fishery industry leaders and businesses.

Tool |

This step-by-step tutorial demonstrates how to do a shoreline erosion assessment using common software.

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This collection of resources provides instructions for a user-friendly, low-cost tool to estimate wave energy. It was produced by Eric Sparks' team as part of a collaborative research project to evaluate coastal restoration designs.

Data |

Three related datasets were generated by the 2015 - 2019 collaborative research project Evaluating Living Shorelines to Inform Regulatory Decision-Making in South Carolina.

Report |

This report summarizes the results of a multi-year collaborative research project that evaluated a range of living shoreline projects in South Carolina. The results and guidance are intended to provide agency partners with the science-based information to create a regulatory pathway and develop project standards for living shorelines in South Carolina.

Tool |

This guide outlines a structured process to engage experts and develop timely, science-based solutions to environmental problems. The FAST process provides an iterative, weight-of-evidence approach for these experts to reach general agreement around technical recommendations.

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This technical memo presents guidelines for calculating the pollutant removal rate of restored or constructed buffers established on shorelines with different soils, slopes and buffer widths. This tool can help New England communities use buffers to meet water quality standards and fulfill stormwater permitting requirements.

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This briefing document presents outcomes and findings from a science transfer project that developed and led role playing simulation exercises to help community leaders and stakeholders explore options for addressing flooding and other climate-related risks in South Carolina.

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This document provides a permitting overview for Florida homeowners who are interested in installing a living shoreline.