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A repository of data, publications, tools, and other products from project teams, Science Collaborative program, and partners.

Displaying 51 - 60 of 151
Factsheet |

This factsheet, written as a resource for a three-year Collaborative Research project, describes measures and proposed management plans for marsh resilience to create a long-term monitoring programs and national-level synthesis efforts.

News |

Multimedia |

This story map explores how boat wakes affect coastal vulnerability in small estuary channels in Florida's Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway.

K-12 |

This web resources includes a compilation of lesson plans for grades K - 12 about coastal and estuarine ecology that are intended to complement programs that involve schools in local wetland restoration projects.

Journal Article |

This 2021 article which appeared in Estuaries and Coasts provides a synthesis of native oyster restoration projects conducted from California, USA, to British Columbia, Canada.

Project Overview |

This project overview describes a 2018 Catalyst project that conducted a collaborative, scientific modeling investigation to improve oyster population sustainability and management on Florida's Atlantic coast.

Journal Article |

This journal article describes a new approach for statistically modeling boat wakes, which can help managers better understand how boat traffic impacts shoreline erosion and sediment transport.

Project Overview |

This project overview describes a 2018 Catalyst project led by Grand Bay Reserve that developed standardized tools to quality-check, analyze, and visualize Surface Elevation Table data.

Journal Article |

This journal article summarizes results from an experimental living shoreline installation at GTM Reserve in northeast Florida and reveals who how well the installations dampened boat wakes.

Journal Article |

This article published in Ecological Engineering summarizes findings from a project that installed a series of experimental living shorelines on a particularly high energy shoreline in GTM Reserve, Florida.