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A repository of data, publications, tools, and other products from project teams, Science Collaborative program, and partners.

Displaying 51 - 60 of 159
Data |

This data resource includes marsh vegetation, water level data and modeling outputs from a project that examined how Piermont Marsh in New York buffers the impacts of storms.

Project Overview |

This project overview describes a 2017 Collaborative Research project that is piloting and refining DNA-based monitoring protocols that can be applied to specific issues and species of interest in estuarine ecosystems.

Project Overview |

This project overview describes a 2018 Catalyst project led by Grand Bay Reserve that developed standardized tools to quality-check, analyze, and visualize Surface Elevation Table data.

Journal Article |

This article, published in Estuaries and Coasts in 2021, estimates sediment impounded behind dams, compares this with new estimates of watershed sediment yield, and assesses the potential fate for dam sediment released into the estuary.

Journal Article |

This open-access article examines how a proposed surge barrier for New York harbor might perform over time as sea level rises and storms become more frequenty.

Webinar Summary |

This resource contains the presenter slides, Q&A responses, recording, and presenter bios from the November 2020 webinar Measuring Climate Adaptation Success and Progress: Introduction to the Resilience Metrics Toolkit

Data |

This dataset contains processed Surface Elevation Table data from five reserves along with metadata, R scripts, reports, and figures, illustrating how SET can be processed, analyzed and visualized.

Factsheet |

This factsheet describes the process of environmental DNA (eDNA) water sampling in estuarine systems, and provides specific methdology recommendations to facilitate detection of invasive species.

Data |

This data resource includes eDNA sequences, fish species summary tables, and DNA extractions from Wells, Great Bay, Hudson, Apalachicola, South Slough, and Heʻeia National Estuarine Research Reserves.

Project Overview |

This project overview describes a 2018 Catalyst project that facilitated the development of a collaborative research agenda to study the ecological and physical impacts of storm surge barriers on the Hudson River Estuary.