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A repository of data, publications, tools, and other products from project teams, Science Collaborative program, and partners.

Displaying 21 - 30 of 42
Journal Article |

This article uses a hydrodynamic model of the Coos estuary in southwestern Orgeon to examine seasonal variability of salinity dynamics and estuarine exchange flow.

Journal Article |

This article discusses changes to the Coos estuary over the past 150 years, and their present and future impacts.

Website |

This website contains data and files to run hydrodynamic modeling simulations for Coos estuary in southwestern Oregon.

Report |

This national synthesis report analyzes SET data from 15 National Estuarine Research Reserves across the continental United States, summarizing wetland water level trends over a 19-year period.

Tool |

A 2018 catalyst project developed tools for working with SET data including a series of computer codes - R scripts - for processing, quality checking, analyzing and visualizing these complex datasets. The statistical codes re available through GitHub and are explained in a Guide to the SETr Workflow.

Report |

This collection of reports summarizes Surface Elevation Table (SET) data at fiften reserves. A technical report analyzing of surface elevation change and a summary for oureach purposes is provided for each reserve.

Multimedia |

In these two February 2020 webinars, project lead Kim Cressman and her team provide an introduction to newly developed tools for analyzing and communicating about Surface Elevation Table (SET) data.

Webinar Summary |

This resource contains the presenter slides, Q&A responses, recording, and presenter bios from the December 2019 webinar Leveraging NERRS System-Wide Monitoring Program Data for Wetland Research and Management.

Project Overview |

This project overview describes a project led by Elkorn Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve to communicate the results of a recent national synthesis of NERR Sentinel Site data on marsh resilience to sea level rise.

Website |

This website was developed by a 2017 Science Transfer project team to provide stakeholders along the Mississippi-Alabama coast with up-to-date data on how human wastewater affects water quality and tangible recommendations for improving it.