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A repository of data, publications, tools, and other products from project teams, Science Collaborative program, and partners.

Displaying 21 - 30 of 45
Journal Article |

This journal article describes a new approach for statistically modeling boat wakes, which can help managers better understand how boat traffic impacts shoreline erosion and sediment transport.

Project Overview |

This project overview describes a 2018 Catalyst project led by Grand Bay Reserve that developed standardized tools to quality-check, analyze, and visualize Surface Elevation Table data.

Journal Article |

This journal article summarizes results from an experimental living shoreline installation at GTM Reserve in northeast Florida and reveals who how well the installations dampened boat wakes.

Journal Article |

This article published in Ecological Engineering summarizes findings from a project that installed a series of experimental living shorelines on a particularly high energy shoreline in GTM Reserve, Florida.

Report |

This national synthesis report analyzes SET data from 15 National Estuarine Research Reserves across the continental United States, summarizing wetland water level trends over a 19-year period.

Tool |

A 2018 catalyst project developed tools for working with SET data including a series of computer codes - R scripts - for processing, quality checking, analyzing and visualizing these complex datasets. The statistical codes re available through GitHub and are explained in a Guide to the SETr Workflow.

Report |

This collection of reports summarizes Surface Elevation Table (SET) data at fiften reserves. A technical report analyzing of surface elevation change and a summary for oureach purposes is provided for each reserve.

Project Overview |

This project overview describes a 2015 Collaborative Research project that tested a new strategy to protect coastal habitats in high-energy environments in Florida.

Multimedia |

In these two February 2020 webinars, project lead Kim Cressman and her team provide an introduction to newly developed tools for analyzing and communicating about Surface Elevation Table (SET) data.

Journal Article |

This article, published in Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment in 2018, synthesizes oyster restoration projects since 1964 on the US Atlantic and Gulf coasts and suggests a restoration paradigm to prioritize investment in sites that maximize economic and ecological benefits and minimize construction costs.