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A repository of data, publications, tools, and other products from project teams, Science Collaborative program, and partners.

Displaying 111 - 120 of 210
Multimedia |

These video modules introduce the conceputs and vocabulary of estuary ecology using American Sign Language. Five videos are available for the following topics: Watersheds, Water Quality, Water Quality Monitoring, Estuary Values, and Sea Level Rise.

Tool |

This step-by-step tutorial demonstrates how to do a shoreline erosion assessment using common software.

Factsheet |

These factsheets provide information on wetland plants that may be used for shoreline restoration projects. Each plant factsheet includes pictures, listed environmental tolerances, informational websites, and helpful tips for planting.

Thesis or Dissertation |

This Master's thesis examines sediment accumulation in two disparate coastal environments, including the Hudson River Reserve, as part of a larger research project about marsh formation and resilience, sediment movement, and the potential impact of dam removals.

Multimedia |

The Credit for Going Green project team developed a toolkit to help partners share project results within their organizations and throughout their professional networks. These resources can be used to develop presentations, web content, newsletter articles, or social media posts about the project.

Tool |

This technical memo presents guidelines for calculating the pollutant removal rate of restored or constructed buffers established on shorelines with different soils, slopes and buffer widths. This tool can help New England communities use buffers to meet water quality standards and fulfill stormwater permitting requirements.

K-12 |

This document contains three lesson plans developed as part of a 2016 Collaborative Research project. The lesson plans help students explore the causes and impacts of stormwater discharges.

Website |

This website was developed by a 2017 Science Transfer project team to provide stakeholders along the Mississippi-Alabama coast with up-to-date data on how human wastewater affects water quality and tangible recommendations for improving it.

Tool |

This "edutainment" packet, developed by a 2016 Science Transfer team, is an outreach tool that describes threats to water quality along the Mississippi-Alabama coastline and helps end users understand how they can they can take actionable steps to improve local water quality.

Multimedia |

This video was produced by a 2016 Science Transfer team to describe the concept of coastal blue carbon and explain why it is important in mitigating climate change.