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A repository of data, publications, tools, and other products from project teams, Science Collaborative program, and partners.

Displaying 111 - 120 of 168
Website |

This website contains information and resources from a 2012 Collaborative Research project that sought to reduce the vulnerabilities of Maryland's Deal Island Peninsula area to the impacts of climate change by creating partnerships between communities, decision-makers, and scientists.

Data |

This geodatabase contains GIS layers that illustrate the distribution of existing wetlands and identify locations where restoration is likely to have the greatest positive environmental impact in Douglas County, WI.

Multimedia |

This webinar, which originally aired on December 12, 2013, discusses the Tijuana River Reserve's collaborative efforts to develop a vulnerability assessment that informs an adaptation strategy to address sea level rise and riverine flooding.

Report |

Southern California ’s coastal environments are under intense development pressure. In the Tijuana River Valley, this pressure translates into the fragmentation and loss of coastal wetlands that provide invaluable services, such as water quality protection.

Project Overview |

This project overview describes a 2012 Collaborative Research project that developed a decision-making framework and tools to guide coastal wetland recovery and management in Southern California.

Project Overview |

This project overview describes a 2012 Collaborative Research project that worked to enhance resilience on Maryland's Deal Island by building a stakeholder network and integrating research to understand how different management practices will impact marsh and community resilience.

Project Overview |

This project overview describes a 2013 Collaborative Research project in which an array of partners created a watershed-scale wetland conservation plan in Wisconsin's Douglas County.

Thesis or Dissertation |

This dissertation was written by PhD student working at Hudson River Reserve on a project that assessed the buffering services of a coastal marsh in New York.

Report |

This document summarizes a tool developed by the NERRS to evaluate and compare the ability of tidal marshes to thrive as sea level rises.

Journal Article |

This paper, published in Biological Conservation, describes an innovative approach developed by the NERRS to evaluate the ability of tidal marshes to thrive as sea levels rise.