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A repository of data, publications, tools, and other products from project teams, Science Collaborative program, and partners.

Displaying 41 - 50 of 93
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These scientific illustrations show groundwater flows, seeps, and springs. They were created as part of a 2017 Collaborative Research project that developed a conceptional model for groundwater discharge and recharge on the Kenai Peninsula, Alaska.

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These case studies, part of a Resilience Metrics toolkit, show how particular communities have defined and tracked their progress on climate adaptation goals.

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This report presents next steps to implement a sea level rise adaptation project for a low-lying road in China Camp State Park, along San Francisco Bay, CA.

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The Pacific Northwest Blue Carbon Working Group has been bringing together wetland managers, resource managers and decision makers in Washington and Oregon to advance coastal blue carbon since 2014.

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These presentations from the Blue Carbon in Our Backyard conference share results from the second phase of the Bringing Wetlands to Market project. Presenters offer guidance for managers and policymakers to advance blue carbon research and application in New England and beyond.

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This market feasibility assessment evaluates the potential to monetize the greenhouse gas benefits of a project to restore tidal flows to former salt marsh in Massachusetts. It was conducted as part of the Bringing Wetlands to Market project.

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These GIS-generated maps show peatlands by major land owners in the Kenai Lowlands, Alaska region.

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This story map explains mangrove habitat change at the Rookery Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve from 2010-2018, illustrating mangrove damage and recovery from Hurricane Irma.

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This project video illustrates how role playing simulations were used to foster dialoge around climate change callenges and opportunities in South Carolina.

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Coastal wetlands, including tidal wetlands, seagrass beds and mangroves, are some of the most economically important yet most vulnerable ecosystems globally.