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A repository of data, publications, tools, and other products from project teams, Science Collaborative program, and partners.

Displaying 51 - 60 of 105
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This document provides guidance on the use of thin-layer sediment placement (TLP) as a tool for tidal marsh resilience in the face of sea-level rise.

Factsheet |

This summary brochure describes thin-layer placement (TLP) as a strategy for marsh resilience, and National Estuarine Research Reserve System research and recommendations for TLP use.

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These coastal hazard risk communication workshop materials can be used to help facilitate trainings for coastal decision makers.

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The Eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica) is a keystone species in northeast Florida estuaries, but the region faces multiple threats to the long-term viability of oyster populations.

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This logic model describes research objectives for a project to assess the potential for blue carbon in the Kenai Lowlands, Alaska.

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This user-friendly tool predicts greenhouse gas fluxes and potential carbon storage in coastal wetlands in the northeastern United States. It was developed as part of the Bringing Wetlands to Market project.

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This GitHub Repository houses the statistical code, a model interface and example datasets to enable others to calcuate the retention capacity of a wetland.

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About this resource

This training manual provides a step-by-step guide to create habitat maps using WorldView and Landsat satellite imagery.

Factsheet |

This factsheet discusses the potential for gabion-breaks and other living shorelines to dissipate boat wakes and protect shorelines.

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This proposal development tool provides a set of tips for collaborative research grant applicants to consider at the pre-proposal stage of the application process.