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A repository of data, publications, tools, and other products from project teams, Science Collaborative program, and partners.

Displaying 111 - 120 of 128
Webinar Summary |

These slides summarize a webinar given by Sophia Paul, Katie Pritchard, Dr. Julia Wondolleck, and Dr. Chris Feurt on April 11, 2018. The webinar featured two University of Michigan master's students' research on conducting a situation assessment in order to assess residents' values and aspirations for the watershed, perceptions of issues, and interest in greater collaboration.

Webinar Summary |

These slides summarize a webinar given by Susi Moser on January 10, 2018 on the Successful Adaptation Indicators and Metrics project, which focuses on measuring the success of climate adaptation.

Journal Article |

This 2017 article appeared in the journal Ecology, and presents findings from a study assessing the individual and synergistic effects of air temperature and salinity on Olympia oyster mortality across temporal patterns that accurately reflect the natural environment.

News |

Over $2.6 million will be awarded to six projects by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration ’s National Estuarine Research Reserve System Science Collaborative that engage research efforts on 12 reserves across the nation.

News |

Nearly $400,000 will be awarded by NOAA ’s National Estuarine Research Reserve System Science Collaborative, managed by University of Michigan Water Center, to four projects involving 15 reserve sites across the nation.

News |

NOAA ’s National Estuarine Research Reserve System Science Collaborative, managed by University of Michigan Water Center, is pleased to announce the outcome of the 2017 Science Transfer competition.

Journal Article |

This 2016 journal article was published in Proceedings of the Royal Society B. The study highlights how extreme precipitation events in 2011 may have contributed to near 100% mass mortality of wild oysters in northern San Francisco Bay.

K-12 |

This lesson plan helps teachers and students understand the concept of blue carbon and the impacts of sea level rise on salt marshes.

Journal Article |

This journal article was published in Estuaries and Coasts in 2016, and decribes a study of how seasonal changes in temperature and salinity impact larval Olympia oyster recruitment across a range of sites and time intervals.

News |

NOAA ’s National Estuarine Research Reserve System Science Collaborative, managed by the University of Michigan Water Center, is pleased to announce the outcome of this year ’s competition