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A repository of data, publications, tools, and other products from project teams, Science Collaborative program, and partners.

Displaying 11 - 20 of 585
Multimedia |
This resource is a collection of media materials developed for education and outreach for the NY-NJ Eel Partnership that emerged from a two-year science transfer project focused on community eel monitoring.
Tool |
This toolkit organizes and consolidates content from a combination of literature reviews, SWMP data interpretation, and interviews and exhibit evaluations at multiple reserves into a comprehensive package of resources that is accessible to all education coordinators and exhibit designers in the Reserve System.
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The Marsh Sediment in Translation (MSiT) project team worked with decision makers using a deliberate collaborative process involving surveys, interactive workshops, and iterative document review and revision to improve understanding of key principles of sediment transport. This resource contains the initial survey and workshop slides from the project.
Multimedia |
Project Lead Julie Binz (ACE Basin National Estuarine Research Reserve) gives an introduction to "Advancing Science Literacy with a System-wide Monitoring Data Exhibit," a science transfer project funded in 2021 by the NERRS Science Collaborative. The presentation was given at a virtual project workshop in January 2022.
Website |
This website provides a landing page for all of the information related to the New Hampshire Coastal Watershed Conservation Plan. Outreach Team members shared the website and links to specific content with webinar attendees and technical assistance project participants for additional background information, and will continue to add content such as articles about the technical assistance projects and resulting products.
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This resource contains the outreach materials developed and used during the Connect to Protect project. The project transferred conservation science from the 2021 New Hampshire Coastal Watershed Conservation Plan to help protect and restore estuarine systems in the Piscataqua watershed region using an ecosystem services approach.
Multimedia |
This project facilitated the transfer of knowledge from the updated 2021 New Hampshire Land Conservation plan to intended users in the Piscataqua watershed region through a focused outreach effort, which included a needs assessment, formal knowledge transfer workshops, and a technical assistance program.
Webinar Summary |
This resource contains the presenter slides, Q&A responses, recording, and presenter bios from the January 2024 webinar "Getting to the Meaning of Meaningful Engagement."
Report |
As climate change and development threaten the natural and cultural resources of the Guana Peninsula, this 2021 collaborative research project used a combination of archaeological investigations and applied anthropological methods to increase understanding of how people past and present have used the resources to inform their future management.
Report |
As climate change and development threaten the natural and cultural resources of the Guana Peninsula, this 2021 collaborative research project used a combination of archaeological investigations and applied anthropological methods to increase understanding of how people past and present have used the resources to inform their future management.