A project team at the San Francisco Bay NERR is working with various stakeholders to design a road modification project in China Camp State Park. Road modification is necessary for the community to maintain road access to and through the park as sea level rise continues to threaten low-lying roads, but it is crucial to consider natural and cultural resources before any modifications are made. Highlighted in this project's second stakeholder meeting are the cultural findings in China Camp and their implications for potential adaptation strategies.
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These slides were presented at a December 1, 2022 meeting bringing together key project partners (China Camp State Park, Marin County, and Sonoma University), focusing on the project's cultural resource findings and implications for adaptation alternatives. The first slide deck includes definitions of tribal cultural resources and steps that the project team is taking to identify tribal cultural resources in China Camp State Park. The second slide deck is a project introduction, which includes key considerations for road adaptation in China Camp and processes for implementing solutions.
- Summary Slides - Identifying Tribal Cultural Resources (PDF)
- Summary Slides - Road Modification Project Introduction (PDF)