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A repository of data, publications, tools, and other products from project teams, Science Collaborative program, and partners.

Displaying 121 - 130 of 173
Webinar Summary |

These slides summarize a webinar given by Maggie Pletta of the Delaware Reserve on March 12, 2019, about the development of new, innovative visitor displays at three reserves, partnering with students at the University of Delaware to produce gesture-controlled, educational computer games.

Multimedia |

This video describes a 2015 Collaborative Research project at the Guana Tolomato Matanzas Reserve where researchers installed a new living shoreline design to protect shorelines from boat wakes.

Journal Article |

This article, published in Sustainability in 2018, characterizes the boat wake climate in Florida's Intracoastal Waterway, assesses the area's bathymetry, and anticipates the effects of experimental living shorelines (natural breakwall and oyster restoration structures) on facilitating sediment deposition and slowing vegetation retreat.

Report |

This manual describes methods employed by a 2015 Collaborative Research project team to dissipate wave energy along the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway in Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida.

Report |

This report describes the findings of a 2011 Collaborative Research project that investigated the Matanzas Basin's vulnerability to sea level rise in Florida and identified potential adaptation strategies.

Tool |

This game developed as part of the 2011 Collaborative Research project "Planning for Florida's Rising Tides" introduces participants to sea level rise adaptation strategies and provides an understanding of the participants' preferences for different strategies.

Tool |

This pre-survey is part of a role-play game developed as part of a 2011 Collaborative Research project on sea level rise adaptation in Florida. Each player is assigned a different stakeholder role and fills out this pre-survey before starting the game, which serves as a foundation for helping participants understand each others' perceptions of sea level rise adaptation strategies.

Case Study |

This report contains case studies of low impact development implementation and performance in Northern Ohio as part of a 2011 Collaborative Research project.

Report |

This paper describes management and structural practices that can be used to manage stormwater runoff from a development site after construction is complete.

Report |

This report summarizes the results of interviews with 18 stormwater professionals in Ohio as part of a 2011 Collaborative Research project led by Old Woman Creek Reserve.