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A repository of data, publications, tools, and other products from project teams, Science Collaborative program, and partners.

Displaying 51 - 60 of 95
Journal Article |

This journal article summarizes results from an experimental living shoreline installation at GTM Reserve in northeast Florida and reveals who how well the installations dampened boat wakes.

Journal Article |

This article published in Ecological Engineering summarizes findings from a project that installed a series of experimental living shorelines on a particularly high energy shoreline in GTM Reserve, Florida.

Webinar Summary |

This resource contains the webinar recording as well as the presenter slides and Q&A responses from the September 2020 webinar Dams and Sediment in the Hudson.

Data |
About this Project

Thin-layer placement (TLP) is an emergent climate adaptation strategy that mimics natural deposition processes in tidal marshes by adding a small amount of sediment on top of marsh in order to maintain elevation relative to sea level rise.

Project Overview |

This project overview describes the Dams and Sediment in the Hudson collaborative research project that assessed how sediment released by dam removals would affect the Hudson River estuary and provide practical tools to regulators and practitioners.

Tool |

This advisory committee charter, developed for a National Estuarine Research Reserve project to evaluate a thin-layer placement as a strategy for marsh resilience, offers an example for engaging diverse end users in collaborative research.

Multimedia |

This story map and K-12 activity invites students to explore coastal marsh vulnerability to sea level rise and a collaborative experiment to enhance marsh resilience at the Chesapeake Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve in Virginia.

Webinar Summary |

This resource contains the presenter slides, Q&A responses, recording, and presenter bios from the July 2020 webinar Innovative Approaches to Integrating Research and K-12 Education to Advance Estuary Stewardship.

Journal Article |

This open-access article, published Geophysical Research Letters in 2020, uses turbidity observations to characterize estuary response following extreme discharge such as from storm-related flooding, which can be a proxy for sediment release from dam removals.

Journal Article |

This article, submitted for publication to Earth Surface Processes and Landforms in 2020, describes findings from the Dams and Sediment in the Hudson (DaSH) project related to tidal wetland growth in the Hudson River estuary as a result of human activities. It presents sediment accumulation rates in marshes along the Hudson and reveals the rapid growth of marshes associated with anthropogenic structures.