A 2016 Science Transfer project led by Elkhorn Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve focused on the development and dissemination of communications products based on a recently conducted national synthesis of NERR Sentinel Site data. This synthesis applied indices of resilience to sea level rise to marshes in 16 National Estuarine Research Reserves across the United States to assess regional and national patterns in resilience. Initial results revealed strong contrasts for individual metrics across reserves, with many marshes receiving intermediate scores and a few sites at very high risk. This work not only represented the first national assessment of marsh resilience to sea level rise but also the first development and application of multi-metric indices.
This resource, hosted on the National Estuarine Research Reserve Association's website, is a novel tool developed by the project team to compare the resilience of different marshes to sea level rise. It can be used by everyone from federal agencies managing national networks of refuges to managers of individual marsh sites.