About the project
A 2016 - 2020 collaborative research project team worked closely with the Town of Beaufort to quantify stormwater inputs to coastal waters and understand stormwater impacts on the Rachel Carson Reserve, a component of the North Carolina National Estuarine Research Reserve. The project team measured a range of water quality parameters at different stormwater outfalls around the town, including fecal indicator bacteria, nutrients, sources of fecal contamination, and sediment delivery to the receiving water system.
About the data
The project generated two databases containing their water quality data. The dataset description provides additional information on the sampling locations and methods.
- Water chemistry and nutrient data for storms and dry weather for six stormwater outfalls in Beaufort, NC
- Microbiological water quality database for grab and automated samples from outfalls in Beaufort, NC
Data access
The datasets for this project have been archived with the NERRS Centralized Data Management Office. During 2021, the datasets can be requested by contacting the project lead directly. Starting in 2022, the datasets can be downloaded by potential users after they complete a data request form that will be available on this page.
Contact for these datasets
Rachel Noble, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill Institute of Marine Sciences, [email protected]