About the Project
This project examined connections between eelgrass health, water quality, and water flow patterns in Great Bay. The project team combined hydrodynamic modeling of Great Bay and new field observations to examine potential stressors of eelgrass, including water residence time, nitrogen loading, in situ nitrogen processing, sediment dynamics, and light availability. A Project Advisory Committee (PAC) made up of individuals from 14 organizations provided input to the project team to ensure results were relevant, trusted, and useful within the current management context. Project outcomes are informing the adaptive management plans developed by surrounding communities.
About the Resource
This project led to the development of a Teachers on the Estuary (TOTE) workshop which provides K-12 teachers opportunities to engage with eelgrass ecology at Great Bay. This professional training increases teacher understanding of estuary science and how to engage students in the investigation of changes in their local environments. The workshop features a variety of interactive activities for teachers to bring back to the classroom, including the Great Bay Eelgrass Game: a simulation game for middle and high school students. Check out the TOTE workshop agenda and the Great Bay Eelgrass Game below.