About the project
Protecting critical habitats for migratory species is increasingly important as sea level rise and climate change reduce the availability and diversity of habitats in the hemisphere. The Motus Wildlife Tracking System is an open-source, international network of community hosted radio-telemetry receivers and wildlife researchers designed to investigate a wide variety of wildlife movement questions. Through a 2020 science transfer project, the ACE Basin Reserve convened a series of workshops to provide guidance and assistance on siting, construction, installation, and interpretation of Motus sites at participating reserves across the country.
About this resource
The ACE Basin NERR hosted this 2021 webinar as part of their "Outside In" series, a webinar series aimed at connecting people with the outdoors during the COVID-19 pandemic. Webinar presenters Jessica Kinsella and Matthew King provide an overview of the Motus Wildlife Tracking System and how researchers at the ACE Basin Reserve track bird migrations in South Carolina and across the continent.