About the Project
In 2017, strong hurricanes hit the Jobos Bay Research Reserve in Puerto Rico and the Rookery Bay Research Reserve in Florida, causing damage to local mangrove forests. Both reserves realized a need to understand storm impacts and recovery trends in mangrove forests. A team of scientists, managers, and educators from Florida and Puerto Rico was created to address these needs through the Mangrove Coast Collaborative. This work has strengthened partnerships between the two reserves, increased understanding of the factors influencing recovery from hurricanes in Puerto Rico and Florida, and informed management to better maintain resilient mangrove forests.
About the Resource
This report describes an ecosystem service conceptual model (ESCM) for mangrove degradation and recovery at Rookery Bay and Jobos Bay. The model was developed based on the priorities and conditions at both Rookery Bay and Jobos Bay and represents flows of ecosystem services that are relevant to both reserves. The model is accompanied by an “evidence library” and a “gap map” which can help set research agendas and identify research gaps. This report can serve as a resource for scientists, managers, educators who are seeking information on the relationship between hurricane disturbance and ecosystem services associated with mangrove ecosystems.