About the Project
This multi-reserve catalyst project compared established and emerging methods for assessing intertidal oyster reef community structure and ecosystem function. Established techniques for assessing intertidal oyster reefs are labor intensive and difficult to replicate at multiple sites, limiting the ecological information they can provide, especially at large scales. In contrast, emerging techniques prove promising for examining the function of oyster reefs as habitat.
Collaborating across four reserves, this project compared established methods for assessing intertidal oyster reefs with four emerging methods that each provide unique ecological information:
- High-Resolution Acoustic Imaging
- Stable Isotope Analysis
- eDNA Metabarcoding
- Oyster Disease Assays
With their partners, the project catalyzed a strong community of practice in the Southeastern U.S. to support management efforts related to oyster reef conservation and the advancement of monitoring protocol.
About this Resource
Ecological metrics were collected on oyster reef habitat structure and associated fauna across four estuaries at Reserves along the southeastern US Atlantic coast in North Carolina (NC), South Carolina (NI-WB), Georgia (SI), and Florida (GTM). Field data collection occurred in fall 2023 (October - November) and focused on natural fringing intertidal reefs. At each reef, data were collected on reef information, reef characteristics, oyster lengths, percent cover, nekton direct capture, acoustic imaging, stable isotopes, and oyster disease (each described below).
- Reef Information: Information on each reef sampled including date sampled and GPS location.
- Reef Characteristics: Oyster reef biophysical characteristics (e.g., reef height, rugosity, oyster density, etc.).
- Oyster Lengths: Length data for up to 50 oysters collected from each sampling quadrat.
- Percent Cover: The percent cover of shell versus sand on each reef. Associated raw images (.jpg files) of oyster reef percent cover are available
- Nekton Direct Capture: Abundance and length information for all fish and crustaceans collected with nets and traps on each reef.
- Acoustic Imaging: Abundance (count) and length information for all individuals observed with an Adaptive Resolution Imaging Sonar (ARIS) on each reef. Associated raw imaging recordings (.aris files) are available.
- Stable Isotopes: Data on carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur stable isotopes collected for primary producers and oyster reef consumers in each Reserve.
- Oyster Disease: Data on the prevalence and intensity of MSX, Dermo, and macroparasites on each reef.
Additional details about the data including collection methods and locations can be found in the dataset description.
Data access and archival:
All data will be made publicly available within one year of project completion or upon publication of the associated manuscript, whichever is sooner. Data will be archived in the interim with the NERRS Centralized Data Management Office (CDMO).
Questions about these data can be directed to:
Matthew Kimball, University of South Carolina, [email protected]
Shelby Ziegler, Villanova University, [email protected]